Ronald Kasule- Kampala, Uganda

Ronald Kasule spent his Professional Fellowship at the United States International Council on Disabilities (USICD) located in Washington, D.C.

“When I came, I thought I had the right diagnosis but after all these experiences, I realized I was only addressing symptoms. What I am going to do is make a pilot job center so we can have the evidence to present to our government on what is working. That if you invest in this, you will have these successes.”

Ronald Kasule is an asset to the ever-expanding disability movement in his home country of Uganda. He serves as the honorary council representative for people with disabilities in the Wakiso district local government. In this role, he works to represent, support, and advocate for the rights of constituents with disabilities. This gives him a unique perspective regarding the ins and outs of needed changes and challenges in disability policy.

Ronald holds a master of arts in educational planning, economics, and international development. This interdisciplinary field of study enables him to apply a breadth of knowledge to every challenge he confronts. In the past, this has been applied to work with Access for Action Uganda, Cheshire Services Uganda, and the Agricultural Innovation Systems Brokerage Association.

Ronald is excited for all that the PFP-IDE Fellowship holds in store. He plans to use the leadership institute to initiate and implement the Independent Living Innovation Project in Uganda. The major objective of this project will be the identification and dissemination of innovative ideas and skills to help people with disabilities to learn and to live more independently within their communities.