Susan Sabano Photo

Susan Sabano is a Project Coordinator at the Uganda National Association of Cerebral Palsy, where she leads livelihood projects and job skills trainings for people with cerebral palsy and their parents. She is based in Kampala, Uganda. She works directly at the grassroots level, supporting many families with disabilities whose members have limited education and income.As a person with cerebral palsy herself, Susan is also a powerful self-advocate who has lived experience in navigating prejudice and accessibility challenges in the workplace successfully. She develops and executes job training projects that teach office management skills to youth with disabilities, including how to write application letters, compete for skilled jobs, and present themselves effectively to employers.

Project Idea

Susan’s project will build upon her organization’s existing work, enabling more youth with disabilities to take job training workshop that will help them succeed in a harsh job market. She will also use her strong record and the project’s impact to engage in media advocacy and lobby Ugandan lawmakers for action on inclusive employment.